Sunday, 15 December 2013

What is the effect of writing in Blog Popularity

There are several things will make impact on people who takes him back to your blog consistently.

Some are obvious, you must write with passion about your subject, you must be knowledgeable about your subject and you must write frequently so that the reader feels that he or she is getting current information.

So Importance of Writing is huge in online web world.

effect of writing

But one of the often overlooked aspects of blog writing or writing online articles is to use good spelling, grammar and punctuation.  One thing that turns me off of any blog I read, no matter how charming and interesting it is, is constant misspellings, improper use of words, poor grammar and punctuation.  It’s like little annoying speed bumps that make me lose my concentration as I read.    I seldom return to that blog or look up other articles written by that author.

1. Grammar Importance:
You may think that the audience that you are writing to won’t care about the grammar, spelling and punctuation in your blog but even if they don’t understand the rules for those things, it makes a difference.  Something feels or looks wrong even though they don’t quite know what it is. You can be informal, charming and show your personality even when you use proper spelling and punctuation.

2. Use Spell Check
Start by using the spell check application that comes with a word processing program when you write.  Most of those also check punctuation.  But these programs don’t catch every mistake.

The words to, too, and two are all spelled correctly here but their usage and meaning is different.  You need to reread your work with a critical eye before publishing it.  It helps you catch mistakes if you take at least an hour away from what you wrote before reading it again.  This rest period will allow your brain to “refresh” and it will be easier to find mistakes.

3. Don’t Worry a Lot
Don’t worry about the occasional misspelling or misuse of a word.   Even books which were gone over by several editors can end up with mistakes noticed after publishing.  With a blog you often have the ability to edit mistakes after publishing and you should do so.  Readers understand the occasional error and will forgive it.  But if your work is always riddled with poor spelling, punctuation and grammar you will turn off a lot of readers.

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