Government Jobs-Government Jobs India-Government Jobs Result
Friday, 27 February 2015
Friday, 19 December 2014
bfuhs result for BSc Nursing 3rd Year -
Download Baba Farid University of Health Sciences exam result of B.Sc. (Nursing) III Year under notification number 2K14-MJ/1.
Maximum Marks = 2200 (1st Year = 900, 2nd Year = 700, 3rd Year = 600 ) (New Scheme)
The following list of candidates are highlight result.
For fully result list, please click on the given link.
Maximum Marks = 2200 (1st Year = 900, 2nd Year = 700, 3rd Year = 600 ) (New Scheme)
The following list of candidates are highlight result.
For fully result list, please click on the given link.
Click here for fully result details
Official website:
Reference: Baba Farid University of Health Science Official website.
Kurukshetra University Exam Result for Ph.D Dec 2014
Kurukshetra University Exam Result 2014 for Ph.D (Chemistry) Ist Paper
Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra has been uploaded the result of Ph.D Entrance Test for Chemistry subject on its official website. Students who was participated in the examination may get their result through kurukshetra university official website.How to get result?
Students can download result through the given link below. Before download candidates have to ensure that the Adobe Reader must be install in computer.
File Format: PDF
Click here to download Kurukshetra University Exam Result for Ph.D Dec 2014.
Reference: India Results website.
Thursday, 2 October 2014
NIT Rourkela Recruitment Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor posts 2014
NIT Rourkela Jobs Advertisement for Faculty Position has been published on its official website
NIT Rourkela Recruitment 2014: An advertisement has been issued for the recruitment of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor position on National Institute of Technology, Rourkela official website. Interested candidates can apply for the said posts.
Recently, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela is going to fill 95 vacancies for faculty positions at the level of Professer, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in most branches of Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities.
More Info about NIT Rourkela Recruitment 2014 are:
- Assistant Professor
- Associate Professor
- Professor
Total Vacancies: 95
click here for more information like eligibility criteria, pay scale, how to apply, and important dates etc.
How to apply for NIT Rourkela Recruitment 2014?
Eligible candidates should apply online through website on or before October 31, 2014.
Sunday, 28 September 2014
National Health Mission Recruitment 284 posts for state of Madhya Prdesh
National Health Mission Jobs 2014 - NHM Madhya Pradesh has been published an advertisement on MP Online official website
National Health Mission Recruitment: An advertisement has been updated for Medical Officers, Counselor, District Program Coordinator, Accountant, Senior Treatment Supervisor, Tuberculosis Health Visitor, Sr. Medical Officer and Statistical Assistant posts on website. Interested candidates may apply for the said posts.
Recently, National Health Mission (NHM) is going to recruit 284 vacancies for the state of Madhya Pradesh. Aspirants who's interested for applying the same first have to read following details.
Details for National Health Mission Recruitment 2014:
Name of the posts:
- Medical Officer - posts: 17
- Counselor - posts: 07
- District Program Coordinator - posts: 50
- Accountant - posts: 50
- Seniro Treatment Supervisor - posts: 56
- Tuberculosis Health Visitor - post: 90
- sr. Medical Officer - posts: 07
- Statistical Assistant - posts: 07
How to apply for National Health Mission Recruitment 2014:
Eligible candidates should apply online through website on or before 10.10.2014.
For more details like Qualification, Age limit, pay scale, application fee and more are available in official advt. link.
Click here for official National Health Mission Recruitment Advertisement.
Mahatma Gandhi Birthday 2014 A brief Biography
Mahatma Gandhi Birthday 2014 - A brief Biography
Mahatma Gandhi a Legend of Indian history was born October 2 , 1869 in Porbander (Gujarat). He was the preeminent leader of Indian independence movement in British-ruled India. The actual name of Mahatma Gandhi was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi but the honorific Mahatma applied to him first in 1914 in South Africa, is now used worldwide. He is also called Bapu in India.
Full Name:
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Birth Date:
02 October, 1869
Death Date:
30 January, 1948
Place of Birth:
Porbandar, Kathiawar, India
Place of Death:
New Delhi, India
University College London, Samaldas College at Bhavnagar, Gujarat
Also Known as:
Mahatma Gandhi, Bapu Ji, Mohandas Gandhi, M.K. Gandhi
For full details, about mahatma gandhi please click here
Sunday, 15 December 2013
What is the effect of writing in Blog Popularity
There are several things will make impact on people who takes him back to your blog consistently.
Some are obvious, you must write with passion about your subject, you must be knowledgeable about your subject and you must write frequently so that the reader feels that he or she is getting current information.
But one of the often overlooked aspects of blog writing or writing online articles is to use good spelling, grammar and punctuation. One thing that turns me off of any blog I read, no matter how charming and interesting it is, is constant misspellings, improper use of words, poor grammar and punctuation. It’s like little annoying speed bumps that make me lose my concentration as I read. I seldom return to that blog or look up other articles written by that author.
1. Grammar Importance:
You may think that the audience that you are writing to won’t care about the grammar, spelling and punctuation in your blog but even if they don’t understand the rules for those things, it makes a difference. Something feels or looks wrong even though they don’t quite know what it is. You can be informal, charming and show your personality even when you use proper spelling and punctuation.
2. Use Spell Check
Start by using the spell check application that comes with a word processing program when you write. Most of those also check punctuation. But these programs don’t catch every mistake.
The words to, too, and two are all spelled correctly here but their usage and meaning is different. You need to reread your work with a critical eye before publishing it. It helps you catch mistakes if you take at least an hour away from what you wrote before reading it again. This rest period will allow your brain to “refresh” and it will be easier to find mistakes.
3. Don’t Worry a Lot
Don’t worry about the occasional misspelling or misuse of a word. Even books which were gone over by several editors can end up with mistakes noticed after publishing. With a blog you often have the ability to edit mistakes after publishing and you should do so. Readers understand the occasional error and will forgive it. But if your work is always riddled with poor spelling, punctuation and grammar you will turn off a lot of readers.
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Saturday, 16 November 2013
DWSS Punjab Recruitment Nov 2013 for JE and JDM:
DWSS Punjab Recruitment 2013 for JE and JDM: | Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Recruitment 2014 | Junior Engineer (JE | Junior Draftsman (JDM) | Online application form
DWSS Punjab Recruitment 2013: Department of Water Supply and Sanitation, Punjab invites application for filling up 150 vacant seats. Recently, DWSS Punjab updated a job notification for the vacant posts of Junior Engineer and Junior Draftsman. Willing and Eligible candidates may apply for the said posts.
- Junior Engineer: 120 posts
(GEN-61, BC-12, SC-12, ST-12, EXSM (GEN)- 08, EXSM (SC)- 05, EXSM (BC)- 02, Sportspersons- 04, PWD- 03, Dependents of Freedomfighters-01)
- Junior Draftsman: 30 posts
(GEN-17, BC-02, SC-03, ST-03, EXSM (GEN)- 01, EXSM (SC)- 02, EXSM (BC) -01, Sportspersons- 01)
Educational Qualification:
For JE: Engineering Diploma in Civil / Mechanical / Electrical disciplines. Degree holder preferred first for these posts.
For JDM: Certificate in Civil Draftsman by State Board of Technical Education. Preferrence will be given to Degree/Diploma in Arhitecture applicants.
- Junior Engineer: Rs.10300-34800/- with Rs.4800/- Grade pay.
- Junior Draftsman: Rs.10300-34800/- with Rs.3200/- Grade pay.
Last Date: 29 November, 2013
How to apply: candidates may apply online through After successulfy registered their online application, applicants have to send a hard copy of application with all relavant documents to The In-charge, DWSSP-Cell, Thapar University, Patiala- 147004 (Punjab).
Before apply, please follow the official recruitment link:
DWSS Punjab Recruitment News in Punjab Kesari -
Naval Dockyard Recruitment 2014 for 152 Apprenticeship Trainning at Visakhapatnam
Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Recruitment 2014 | Apprenticeship Trainning | Naval Dockyard Notification 2013-14 | Download Application Form

Navel Dockyard Visakhapatnam Recruitment 2014: Application are invites for the recruitment of Apprenticeship Trainning for various Engineering Trades. Recently, DAVP (Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity) has been published a recruitment notification on its official website behalf of Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam. Eligible and Interested candidates may apply for the said posts.
- Electrician: 20 posts
- Electronics Mechanic: 25 posts
- Fitter: 21 posts
- Instrument Mechanic: 14 posts
- Machinist: 19 posts
- Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (MMTM): 07 posts
- Painter (General): 17 posts
- R & A/C Mechanic: 10 posts
- Welder (Gas & Electric): 19 posts
Educational Qualification: Willing applicants have 10th passed (minimum marks- 50%) certificate with ITI in relavant trade with 65% passing marks.
Age limit: Candidates age should be between 14-21 years ( Born between 15 April 1993 to 15 April 2000).
Last Date: 16 December, 2013 upto 1700 hrs.
How to apply: Candidates may download application format through After download application format, applicants have to fill it in all respect and send with require documents via ordinary post only at Naval Dockyard Apprentice School, Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam - 530014.
Before filling-up the said posts, please followed the instruction. Link is:
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Sambalpur Unviersity Result at for Graduate students
Sambalpur Unviersity Result at for Graduate students | Sambalpur University | Result | | Graduation | Arts, Science, Commerce Result | Download Results

Sambalpur University Result: Recently, The result of
Arts, Science, Commerce discipline has been published by Sambalpur University, Orissa. TheUniversity announced the result of + 3 First Year examination on its official website.
Students who's participated in the examination conducted by Sambalpur University may download their results. Candidates belongs to Arts, Science and Commerce +3 First Year examination can easily got their result through
For more details, visit
About Sambalpur University:
The Sambalpur University Act was passed by the Orissa Legislature on December 10th, 1966 to fulfill long cherished dream of the people of Western Orissa for establishment of a University. The University started functioning from January 1st, 1967 with Prof. Parsuram Mishra as the first Vice-Chancellor. The university was inaugurated on 04th January, 1967 by Hon'ble Chancellor A.N.Khosla. The University Started functioning in 1967 in a rented private building at Dhanupali, Sambalpur and in Government building at Ainthapali, Sambalpur from 1968-72/ In the year 1973 the University was shifted to tht present campus named Jyoti Vihar at Burla. The University at Jyoti Vihar provides Post-Graduate education in Twenty-seven subjects through Twenty Post-Graduate Departments. for more about visit the official link
Wednesday, 13 November 2013 Editor Jobs 2013 | Sarkari Naukri
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) | Western Region | Editor Jobs 2013 | Sarkari Naukri | | ssc in news
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Staff Selection Commission: Application are invites for the recruitment of Editor through Recently, Staff Selection Commission updates a Jobs Advertisement for the post of Editor on it official Western Region site. Eligible candidates may apply for the said posts.
Editor- 03 posts
Educational Qualification: Applicants have Higher Secondary Examination Certificate (12th) or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Board with Degree/ Diploma in Film Editing and 02 Years of experience in editing of Films.
Age Limit: candidates age should be between 18 to 30 years.
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- with Rs.4600/- Grade Pay.
Last Date: 20 December, 2013
How to apply: Candidates should download application form through, its official website. Application form must be ful-filled in all respect and send it to along with required documents/testimonials Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission (WR), 1st Floor, South Wing, 101, Maharshi Karve Road, Pin- 400020, Mumbai (Maharashtra).
For more details about the said posts, please visit
Friday, 8 November 2013
HC Sarkari Naukri at for 10th pass candidates
SSB Jobs 2013 | Head Constable (HC) | Matric | SSB Notification 2013 | | Sashastra Seema Bal Recruitment
Head Constable- 110 posts
Educational Qualificaiton: 10th OR 12th with knowledge of computer typing.
Minimum Speed for English typing 35 words per minute and 30 words per minute for Hindi typing.
Age limit: Minimum age 18 years and Maximum age 25 years as on 01.08.2013,
Pay Band: PB-1, Rs.5200-20200/- with Rs.2400/- Grade Pay.
Application Fee: Applicants have to paid Rs.50/- as application fee in the form of Demad Draft / IPO should be drawn in favour of "Accounts Officer, SSB, SHQ HQ, RANIDANGA,” payable at SBI Branch, Siliguri (WB) Code-0184.
How to apply: Willing and Eligible candidates may send their complete application in prescribed format along with attested copies of required certificates/ testimonials to O/o THE DY. INSPECTOR GENERAL, SECTOR HQR, SSB RANIDAGA, POST OFFICE : SUSRUTA NAGAR, DIST: DARJEELING, WEST BENGAL, 734-012 on or before 30 November 2013. For far-Long candidates dead line for receipt of application are 07 December, 2013. Application Envelop must be superscribed with post name as "HC (Ministerial).
Sashastra Seema Bal official website:
Download official advertisment:
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Damodar Valley Corporation Jobs 2013 50 posts on
Damodar Valley Corporation Jobs 2013 50 posts on
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), Sarkari Naukri,, apply online
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) invites application for the recruitment of various posts such as: Specialist Doctors/ Dentist/ GDMO/ A.M. (Finance- Trainee). Interested and Eligible candidates may apply for the said posts.
Posts Details:
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1. Specialist Doctors- posts: 21
2. Orthopaedic Surgeon- posts: 01
3. Dentist- posts: 07
4. General Duty Medical Officer- posts: 11
5. Assistant Manager (Finance) Trainee- posts: 10
Qualification Criteria: PG Degree/ BDS/ MBBS, or its equivalent. for fully details must read
the official advertisment.
Pay Scale:
1. Specialist Doctors- Rs.15600/- to Rs.39100/- with Rs.6600 GP.
2. Orthopaedic Surgeon- Rs.15600/- to Rs.39100/- with Rs.6600 GP.
3. Dentist- Rs.15600/- to Rs.39100/- with Rs.5650 GP.
4. General Duty Medical Officer- Rs.15600/- to Rs.39100/- with Rs.5650 GP.
5. Assistant Manager (Finance) Trainee- Rs.15600/- to Rs.39100/- with Rs.5650 GP.
Application Fee: Applicants belongs to GEN/OBC category have to pay Rs.300/- through online system of DVC only. No fee required for SC/ST/PH & DVC candidates.
How to apply: Candidates apply online through Damodar Valley Corporation official website before 25 October, 2013.
After successfully apply online the hard copy of system generated application form must sent (through ordinary post only) to the following address before 01 November, 2013.
Post Bag, No-99,
GPO, Kolkata-700001
West Bengal
Important links:
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